Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Are you kidding me?  You think that the Federal Reserve or the White House all of a sudden and OUT OF THE BLUE just overnight decide euro-laterally?  Right, and I've got some ice cubes to sell an Eskimo, then.

To add insult to injury, CNBC asks Ron Paul what HE thinks, like they give a crap about it at all. They ask him when the FEDERAL RESERVE IS OBVIOUSLY BEHIND TODAY'S PUMP in the stock market.

What an a--hole the FED is. I tell you it would serve these jerks right for him to run, no matter WHAT the friggin' odds are.

The ONLY thing the FED cares about is NOT that he will split the Republican party.
The ONLY thing the FED cares about is if Ron Paul runs & wins!

End of story, the dirty rotten bas----rds.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fitch keeps US at 'AAA' rating, cuts outlook to negative

Fitch Ratings kept its pristine AAA rating on the U.S. on Monday, but the credit-ratings company downgraded its outlook to “negative” in the wake of the Supercommittee’s failure to find $1.2 trillion in spending cuts.

The development, which had been hinted at last week, could have been worse for the U.S. as McGraw-Hill’s (MHP: 41.20, +0.66, +1.63%) Standard & Poor’s slashed its credit rating for the first time ever in August.

Newt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order

Newt Gingrich
Establishment throws its weight behind the ultimate RINO globalist
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, November 28, 2011
Desperate to derail Ron Paul’s momentum in New Hampshire, the key early primary state in which polls show Paul has a very real chance of winning, the establishment has thrown its weight behind Newt Gingrich, the ultimate RINO globalist who in reality is about as conservative as Mao Tse-tung.
With the campaigns of Mitt Romney and Rick Perry collapsing, the editorial board of the New Hampshire Union Leader chose to endorse Gingrich on Sunday, a move that the mainstream press immediately hailed as all-important, attempting to bestow kingmaker status on a relatively irrelevant newspaper in the grand scheme of things.
The anointment of Gingrich as Republican frontrunner is just the latest desperate bid to fool voters into supporting anyone other than Ron Paul. From Perry, to Romney, to Cain – the establishment has attempted to crown all of them as top dog – failing every time as each campaign subsequently crashes and burns.
Gingrich will inevitably follow suit because he has more skeletons in the closet than a halloween costume shop. Newt Gingrich is Mr. New World Order – a committed globalist who has publicly made clear his contempt for American sovereignty and freedom on a plethora of occasions, not least when he joined forces with Nancy Pelosi to push the Obama administration’s cap and trade agenda that would have completely bankrupted the country.
“I think if you have mandatory carbon caps combined with a trading system, much like we did with sulfur, and if you have a tax-incentive program for investing in the solutions, that there’s a package there that’s very, very good,” Gingrich told PBS Frontline in February 2007.
And if you think that doesn’t sound bad enough, just wait until you read what Gingrich had to say about mandatory health insurance.
“Personal responsibility extends to the purchase of health insurance. Citizens should not be able to cheat their neighbors by not buying insurance, particularly when they can afford it, and expect others to pay for their care when they need it,” he wrote in a 2007 OpEd for the Des Moines Register.
That’s right – self-proclaimed “conservative” Gingrich is an aggressive supporter of Obamacare, just like his rival Mitt Romney.

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 11/28/11

Congressional U.S. sanctions against Iran, Syria and other Middle Eastern countries will impact financial markets, but how?

U.S. Futures Rise on Effort to Limit Contagion

By Rob Verdonck - Nov 28, 2011 6:43 AM MT

Stocks rose for the first time in 11 days and U.S. equity futures, commodities and the euro advanced as European leaders drafted a framework for the region’s bail- out fund and America’s Thanksgiving retail sales jumped to a record. Treasuries declined.

Stocks gapped UP 282 points at the open.  No surprise to me.  Hard to believe anything or any "excuse" from Wall Street, period....lmpivon

November to May, Go Away!

I have felt for awhile now that THIS year may be different than all before.  I’ve felt November to May may be the worst period we’ve ever had in the history of the stock market.  Why?  Simply because of all the financial turmoil in the world precipitated by the derivative scams and the Big Banking crises revealed in 2008. (originally posted 11-21-11)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bloomberg BusinessWeek

MF Global’s Bankruptcy Trustee Set to Be Ex-FBI Director Freeh
November 27, 2011, 4:14 PM EST
byTiffany Kary and Chris Dolmetsch

Nov. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Louis J. Freeh, the former Federal Bureau of Investigation director, was appointed Chapter 11 trustee in the MF Global Holdings Ltd. bankruptcy after the company and creditors said one person should take charge of recovering assets.
Such a trustee would coordinate globally with regulators and advocate for a prompt return of creditor funds, according to court filings. A trustee to guide the search for assets would be more cost-effective than the company or its lenders, MF Global and its creditors have said. The appointment was filed yesterday.
Customer accounts of MF Global Inc., the broker-dealer unit of parent MF Global Holdings believed to hold $5.45 billion, were frozen Oct. 31. That day, the New York-based company reported a shortfall in funds required to be segregated under U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission rules. About $1.2 billion in customer funds are believed to be missing, according to James Giddens, the trustee appointed to liquidate the broker-dealer and distribute refunds to its customers.
MF Global Holdings, which was run by former New Jersey Governor and ex-Goldman Sachs Group Inc. co-chairman Jon Corzine, filed for bankruptcy protection to apportion returns to its creditors, including bondholders and lenders.
FBI Director
Freeh served as director of the FBI under U.S. President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001. He had previously worked as an FBI agent and later became a federal prosecutor and judge, appointed to the bench in 1991 by President George H. W. Bush.
His appointment as MF Global’s trustee must be approved by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn, who is presiding over the bankruptcy. The request was made in court papers filed in Manhattan.
Freeh stepped down from the FBI in 2001. In 2007, he formed a New York-based risk management company, Freeh Group International Solutions LLC, and started a law firm, Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan LLP. Since then, he’s served as an independent monitor in a Justice Department probe of Daimler AG in 2010, and headed a 2008 investigation of energy trading losses that led to the bankruptcy of SemGroup LP.
Freeh was hired this week to conduct an independent probe of the child sex-abuse scandal at Pennsylvania State University. Additionally, his company was retained to review security for the SAT college-admissions test, according to the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, New Jersey, and the New York-based College Board.
No Conflicts
His firms don’t have any conflicts that should prevent him from being trustee for MF Global, Freeh said.
“I do not personally have any connection with any interested party in these cases,” Freeh declared in court papers, citing minor exceptions including work his law firm has done for Bank of America Corp., making up less than 1 percent of its revenue to date.
Freeh must obtain a bond valued at no less than $26 million, according to court records. Such bonds are required to be posted within five days of a trustee being selected, according to a handbook for trustee’s posted by the Justice Department.
The brokerage case is Securities Investor Protection Corp. v. MF Global Inc., 11-02790, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan). The parent’s bankruptcy case is MF Global Holdings Ltd., 11-bk-15059, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
--Editors: Michael Hytha, Charles Carter
To contact the reporters on this story: Chris Dolmetsch in New York at; Tiffany Kary in New York at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at

Friday, November 25, 2011

Markets marching into Bear Market

According to a Stan Weinstein interview, if we close below S&P 1190, we will be resuming the bear market. It is no surprise, except in one respect. For some reason, the powers that be are, in my opinion, have been naked short selling the market. When George Soros was interviewed in 2009 by Maria Baritoroma, she asked, “How was your ’08?” He exclaimed, “I had a great ’08.” As many know, it has been said that Soros bankrolled Obama’s presidential bid. A massive transfer of wealth occurred from the 401k & IRA & cash accounts of thousands of baby boomer accounts in 2008, unfortunately. Hopefully, many have learned to stay clear of the machinations of Wall Street.  Below is Weinstein's interview: