Thursday, February 2, 2012

QE3~~the total destruction of the Middle Class & Baby Boomer's wealth

What D.C. politicians are doing, or are allowing to happen with the Federal Reserve printing, digit extensions, or whatever you want to call it, is insufferable and quite simply intolerable from the viewpoint of the non-priveleged.  Who are the non-priveleged?  The poor, middle, and yes, even upper classes who are not "connected".  The corporate cronies, the D.C. politicians who never read their bills but take advantage of "insider trading", and of course, the Federal Reserve owners and corporate cronies, all benefit from this enormous money printing expedition.  You say, but it goes into Wall Street and my 401k fund, or my IRA fund?  Indeed, but then, you never know which stocks "they" are putting the money into, do you?  If you put your money in a mutual fund, or an index ETF, then, yes, you can benefit, but the question then becomes~~~when?  When do you do this? 

Right now, all indexes are hitting their old one year highs.  Since October, the S&P 500 and DOW and NASDAQ have all had a massive 20% rally after having had a 20% drop.  Of course, the masses didn't get in, and many, many of "us" have not and did not get into the rally.  The odds are we are going lower now, because the earnings season is over, and also because it's just time. 

My sense is that we will pull back to S&P 1250 and DOW 12,200 first, then, the QE3 will kick in, once again, and the money laundering by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, State Street, Bank of America, and Citigroup, etc. etc. will begin.  The results will be devastating eventually to the Middle Class and Poor, because their standard of living will go down, only this time, even moreso.  Food prices have already exceeded demand right now in many food products, imo.  The people need to wake-up en masse, and it can't come soon enough, imho.  For surely, the nefarious deeds of the Power Elite will jerk more of our innocent boys' lives into terrible wars, because they can't find a job; then, they become trapped in horrible situations, where suicide seems the only way out, or coming back maimed and ruined physically & emotionally.  I cannot believe people would want this of their own children, yet why do they continue to buy the "terrorist" threat, hook, line and sinker?  If it was Saudis who were on the 9/11 planes, then, why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia?  Why Iraq instead?  The whole "story" is unbelievable at this point...

Expect that more UNdeclared wars will follow, in order to feed the insatiable Federal Reserve's banking power and profits, right along with their Corporate elite cronie's overall profits and DOMINATION over all the rest of us.  So very sad that these elitist, arrogant people have to lie to us, cheat, and steal from us just to make their own lives feel more important to themselves!

But, right now, concerning the stock market, it would be a mistake to pour your life's savings in.  It may break to the upside to sucker you in, but mark my words~~~it won't last long!

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