About this

This blog was set up for the supporters of Ron Paul who are interested in their financial future.  All people have various interests and queries about Wall Street, financial firms, and investing in general.  The financial characters, some nefarious, involved in Wall Street have oftentimes moved the markets unpredictably.  Gap ups.  Gap downs.  Massaged economic reports by the government all point to challenging markets these days.  Discussion here centers on current events and their implications.  Today more than ever before, we need to band together and discuss these topics.

The Federal Reserve, however, is at the heart of the matter, as we know.  How they have impacted the American economy over the decades was deliberately kept secret from the American people by the complicit mainstream media.  The financial coup d'etat, if you will, had certain accomplices - the Education Department, Cable TV, and even the Hollywood machine executives.  As a result, the devastations to our country have been enormous over this past century, especially since August 17, 1971, when the Breton Woods decision terminated the convertibility of our dollar to gold.  It was known as the "Nixon shock" allright, and one in which we have never recovered.

Indeed, our economy did well despite this massive change.  But, wait, what would American life today have been like had we not had a Breton Woods meeting?  I daresay we would have had an economy so thriving, so robust, that it would have certainly exceeded the likes of Switzerland.  The middle class would have become the upper class, and poverty would have vanished.  Furthermore, with a restriction on government departments, the "family" would have thrived and all states would easily have been able to keep the majority rule ideology, thereby protecting and safeguarding our cultural and moral values.  For what have we really sacrificed with this tremendous government expansion?  Our very own core fundamental principles and beliefs of right versus wrong, all based on our basic Judeo-Christian theology.

Instead, the Federal Reserve owners manipulated our currency, used it to pay off our politicians throughout the decades, paid off elitist corporations with tax benefits, and I would suggest they front run their money through the large banking systems known as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Bank of America, State Street, etc.  Essentially, these were all the "big banks" who benefitted from the bailouts.

So much of the political concerns we all have shared together for so long have centered on the ramifications of these very powerful political entities and individuals.  This is a forum which specifically discusses the real-time impact of political and financial current events on our personal finances.