Friday, January 6, 2012

The "Fix" is in!

If we ever thought America would disintegrate into a Banana Republic, it is now!  Ron Paul recently came in a suspicious 3rd place in the Iowa Caucus.  It is suspicious, because how does a candidate like Santorum jettison to front-runner status literally in just less than four days!  He was a nothing candidate, almost always in the single digits till just the last week of Christmas, then he inched up to 10%, then 15%, and then we're supposed to believe this guy who couldn't attract more than 20-30 people at any one given moment in any given place at any time jettisons to 24%?  Right, uh-huh...yet someone like Ron Paul had huge crowds of about 1,000 people everywhere he went and is defeated by Santorum?  Right, u-huh.

So, how does this all play out for New Hampshire?  My prediction is that the winner's will be in this order: Rummy, Huntsman (with a convenient surge of course), Santorum, and 4th place Dr. Paul.   Huntsman just today came out with a suspect "ad" accusing RP supporters of doing it, when if you really look at the evidence, it appears it was posted by a new poster who had no other postings prior, and the first post was on Huntsman's own website which would indicate it was from someone in his own campaign, yet this man has the unmitigated gaul to make blatant accusations on CNN via the complicit media host of Pearce Morgan.

The stock markets are moving along just as I have thought they would~~at a snail's pace, and it is my sense they will disintegrate and fall apart in the near future.  I would protect your assets and stay clear of stocks, unless you can be extremely vigilant.  I wouldn't turn my back on the market, in other words!

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