Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wall Street & the FEDERAL RESERVE REGIME with Big Media defeat the only true representative of "The People", Dr. Ron Paul~~

Well, well, Mr. Wall Street ought to be very, very happy tonight knowing that the Iowa GOP was able to fix the results.  How do we know there was fraud perpetrated?  There were numerous counties that were reporting 0% after two hours.  They weren't big counties, so they could have easily been able to report the results, but NO, a local news TV reporter asked for the results as I witnessed on TV, and you know what the Precinct County guy said to her?  He said he wouldn't give her the results, and that she'd have to get them from the Iowa GOP!  There were NUMEROUS COUNTIES that did this.

So, now~~hope the blue coats are happy, along with the Totalitarian Regime in D.C..  Yep, they're feeling pretty doggone smug right now, I daresay, including Obama himself.  Of course, the whole idea was to make sure Paul was in 3rd place.  So, watch for a happy gap-up tomorrow.  Just remember, NOTHING MATTERS except that they keep Ron Paul out of the White House.  So far, he's been an annoying gnat to them, just a pest.

Going to New Hampshire would be a big mistake for the good doctor.  It is TIME to go 3rd party and save our money for later on...when it's a 3 way debate~~Obama, Romney & Paul.  Now, THAT would be interesting.  So~~why don't you celebrate...you scum on Wall Street & all the rest of you filthy immoral cheats and  "Money Changers".  Laugh it up why don't you.

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