Thursday, December 29, 2011


Indeed, FREEDOM is emerging in America!  This implies we've been oppressed and didn't know it.  But, that is exactly what is happening in this country, as the masses, slowly but surely, are awakening to the after-effects that our arrogant politicians and despotic government have inflicted upon us all over this past century.  Corruption has seeped into every level of government.  The arrogance lies in the knowledge that THEIR knowledge is better, more brilliant than OUR knowledge.  Indeed, it's about the ultimate control.

Special interests non-profit and corporations sought to gain more influence over the decades due to ever-increasing power over the masses, as sweeping legislation after legislation defied reason.  With control cemented in the Public Education System, their centralized power to dictate what we were raised to learn emanated through our society.  As a result, I remember when they changed our "history" classes to "social studies" classes in high school.  Indeed, our politicians became very busy bees starting in the 60's.

CONTROL has emanated from government regulations and protections for special corporate and individual desires straight into the Stock Market.  Look at the Glass-Steagal Act.  Look at the DERIVATIVES and what happened to them after the Crash of 1929.  They were banned.  Have they been banned today, since the Crash of 2008?  A resounding NO.  In sum, our markets are no longer honest.  Reckless behavior is pervasive, from corporate tweaking the earnings reports to government tweaking of the economic reports.  I'm not saying 100% is sheer manipulation, but most (including myself) would be totally shocked to find out the "real" truth.  And, our politicians have recently been personally attacked for "Insider Trading", whether they think it's legal or not.  Indeed, who has been behind the DECLINE OF AMERICA?  Who has been behind the DECLINE of our CULTURE?  WHO has ruined America, the Beautiful?  That is another subject for another day.  But, I realized something today.  That is that freedom is truly emerging in America.  People are realizing how corrupt things have gotten and how manipulated we've been.  Yes, we've been controlled and oppressed, but we are waking up.  I hope it won't be too late.

Today, the markets are sharking the waters for victims.  Need I say more?

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